DELE Instituto Cervantes Exams
Under updating
At our Center it is only possible to register for the DELE Exams of the November session.
The tests for 2018 will take place on 9 November 2018 for level A2 / B1 Escolar and 10 November 2018 for levels B1, B2, C1, C2 (written tests). From 7 to 10 November oral tests will be held for all levels.
For group registrations the deadline is September 26, 2018 and in the first instance it is necessary to contact the Instituto Cervantes of Rome to start the procedure. For info: Instituto Cervantes of Rome -
For individual registration, the deadline is 3 October 2018, at 13.00. By June the calendars of the preparation courses will be published and the forms to be used to register for the exams will be indicated.