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Home News News Corso estivo di italiano per studenti internazionali - "Authentic Italian Experience" - an introductory course of Italian language

Corso estivo di italiano per studenti internazionali - "Authentic Italian Experience" - an introductory course of Italian language

Authentic Italian Experience

Authentic Italian Experience

The course is intended as a very basic introduction to the Italian language by means of cultural topics that can be interesting and compelling for the learners. At the same time, it aims to increase their motivation in choosing our University and enrolling in our University Programs. Although the reference level is A1, the students are not expected to fully reach it because the course does not have academic purposes and the final test will only serve as a reference for participants.

Instructor: Francesco Nati (Macerata University Language Center)

Coordinator: Prof. Francesca Chiusaroli (Vice-Rector for the development of linguistic competences and services)

Target audience: prospective international students pre-admitted in the University Programs, with no previous knowledge of Italian

Teaching mode: online streaming class

Teaching language: English

A great opportunity offered to all the international students pre-admitted to the University of Macerata. Even if you don't need Italian to attend our courses, we are launching a free-of-charge summer course in the Italian language to introduce you to the local culture and guide you in your first steps in Italy and Macerata.

Lectures will take place on an online platform (you will need a webcam and a microphone) and the teacher will provide instructions once you enrol in the course.